Siemens SWOT




Direct analytical framework to evaluate your organization


Tagline/ Slogan
Ingenuity for Life.
Global Network of Innovation


Unique Selling Proposition
Innovation power and customer proximity


Infrastructure and Cities, Industry, Energy and Healthcare, Financial Solution, Mobility.


Target Group
Power generation, Oil & Gas, Metal & Mining and Automation Industries, Locomotives, Turnkey projects, Metropolitan and Urban Infrastructure, Diagnostic and radiography sectors of healthcare, data centers


We meet the needs of people with different interests, from different cultures and with different aims and requirements


Leading Brands Products
Total Integrated Automation (TIA) Portal provides range of digitalized automation services – from planning to integrated engineering to operations. The TIA portal is part of Siemens Digital Enterprise Suite along with PLM abd MES for industries on their path to Industry 4.0
Mindsphere is a cloud based open operating system for IoT and to allow customers to enhance a plants performance by gathering and analyzing large volumes of production data


1. Pioneer of technology driven services
2. Market leadership through innovation and has presence in industry, Energy, Healthcare, Infrastructure and Cities
3. Financial excellence and stability
4. Over 400,000 employees worldwide shows its commanding global position
5. Operates in about 180 companies
6. It has operations in over 190 countries
7. Joint ventures with many internationally reknowned companies and acquisitions have made it a powerful brand
8. Strong advertising and marketing through sports and lifestyle events, sponsorships online media, TVCs etc make it a high recall brand


1. Dependence on third party providers can affect operational efficiency
2. Few allegation of corruption in the corporate environment by individuals hit the headlines


1. Expanding market share in emerging markets
2. Strategic acquisitions, partnerships and collaborations
3. Setting up of institutions worldwide for in-house solutions
4. Increase in demand for electricity and related services and products


1. Strict govt policies and environmental regulation affect operations
2. Economic fluctuations and currency devaluations affect the financial performance as it is an international company
3. Heavy dependence on few suppliers



Product Review


PLC Hardware
S7 PLC platform has a range of products targeted for compact, low cost small systems (S7 200) to S7 1500 for modular, wide range of IO with larger memory and high performance applications


Wide range of small HMI units for panels and field applications
Full library of objects available and not a custom set of macros and other objects for projects.
Embedding of documentation (P&ID, loop drawings) similar to Emerson Ovation system is not available


3rd Party data
No product equal to a SCADA Server, manages it through the PLC devices. Emerson has more communication drivers that talk to various other devices fairly easy. Seamlessly adding enterprise solutions onto the “control layer” is more difficult that if this was done with a single data model DCS, e.g. asset management, statistical process control tracking etc.


Go to Market Strategy
Social Media marketing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Has deemed that mobile app’s not necessary. Working on improving website to be more user friendly. Focus on Inbound and Content Marketing. Increase customer awareness to current projects and increase traffic. Improve blog engagement.
System Integrator Partnership for regional/local efforts – Approved Partners and Solution Partners


System Strengths
1. TIA Platform


System Weaknesses
1. Memory device limits has pushed offering of MindSphere – cloud based open IoT operating system to connect plants, systems, machines with advanced analytics
2. Various software interfaces required for comprehensive large scale automation and data analysis
3. Scalability limits it to about half of a DCS
4. Redundancy is achieved by adding a secondary controller, which gets the cost at or exceeding a DCS
5. Complexity requires advanced process control from a DCS that can manage continuous production processes or changes in process
6. PLC platform requires more time for system start-up and troubleshooting as compared to Ovation as it cannot proactively interrogate the system for configuration defects and identifying probable causes
7. Network Performance is not a critical criteria in the system design as network planning is done after PLC selection and programming. Without intimate knowledge of the communication behavior between each network node and the protocol used to carry the network messages, how can user expect sound network design? Application engineer typically puts network topology together
8. Control Performance- control strategy in PLC runs on fixed clock cycles; whereas an Ovation controller favors repeatable control cycles for quality, repeatable yield and repeatable results for a plant.


System Opportunities
1. Aggressive efforts towards platform integration will allow seamless connectivity between the various products
2. Scalability from single PLC to DCS solutions
3. Increasing their Cloud offerings for historian, graphic viewing
4. Their on-line training is growing and is an easy tool for customers to use


System Threats
1. No comprehensive cyber-security offerings; defense in depth architecture design offered
2. Deployment architecture requires additional spare parts to be kept on hand vs. an Ovation DCS central system
3. No self-updating system of documentation
4. Not a vast library of object-oriented function blocks with a complete set of parameter based functions that a user can develop and fine tune control strategies without designing control functions. A self- documenting, program free DCS controller makes this efficient for a
Customer who can assemble the blocks into the required control configuration with minimum effort.
5. Advanced simulator technology not provided to support improved performance throughout the plant lifecycle



Updated October 19 2018


Tags: Siemens,SWOT,